When you find that special one, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a purpose, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a goal, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a way, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find trust, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find love, hold on to it, don't let it go...
Life is too long to regret about what could have happened...
Life is too long to be thinking that I should have stuck it out...
Life is too long to be lived with what could have been, but never happened
If you find your love, passion, way, trust, goal, hold on to it, don't let it go...
We don't know what the future is,
But, we definitely know that regretting whole life about what could have happened is going to hurt so much...
Hold on to it, don't let it go...