
October 17, 2019
Love is pure
Anything in its pure form cannot be bad.
So is love.

Love as much as you can...
Never be ashamed of love.

Love is about giving, caring, being there...
Love is not about what you want.

Love is about what the other person wants
...and to do that is the most wonderful feeling one can have.

Love gives you wings,
Love doesn’t cage you...
Anything which holds you back is not love.

Let love flow through your veins
Let love be the reason you live

If only the World could understand the power of true love,
This could have been a much much better place...

Spread love
Be in love
Fall in love

Love is the only thing worth living for...
Love is the only thing worth dying for...

Just love...
October 17, 2019
Don’t let it go…
When you find that special one, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a purpose, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a goal, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find a way, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find trust, hold on to it, don't let it go...
When you find love, hold on to it, don't let it go...

Life is too long to regret about what could have happened...
Life is too long to be thinking that I should have stuck it out...
Life is too long to be lived with what could have been, but never happened

If you find your love, passion, way, trust, goal, hold on to it, don't let it go...

We don't know what the future is,
But, we definitely know that regretting whole life about what could have happened is going to hurt so much...

Hold on to it, don't let it go...
October 17, 2019
Keep spreading Love
No matter what
Keep spreading love...

One fine day you will realise
All the efforts you put in were not enough...
No matter what
Keep spreading love...

The people you care for have moved on...
No matter what
Keep spreading love...

World needs more love than anything else
Everyone is looking for it...
Be the one and keep spreading love

No matter how hard it is to know that you might not receive what you give...
Keep spreading love

Be there for someone who is there for you always...
Be there for someone who is not there for you...
Cos ignoring someone in need is not an option,
Can not be an option.
Keep spreading love...

Love is the way of life
Love is not an option
Love is not a give and take solution
Keep spreading love...
October 17, 2019
Weekend vibes
Sit alone with your thoughts.
Enjoy the beauty of nature.
Enjoy the calmness.
Be Still.

Connect with your soul.
There is nothing more beautiful than being connected to your own self.

Have a happy weekend!!!